Applications for scholarships are available online from STS website. Submissions will be accepted until the posted date. The selection committee cannot accept applications submitted after the date specified or that are incomplete. Application is complete when all required items have been received and postmarked by April 1, 2025.
Scholarship recipients will be required to enroll in the first semester of college where the award is credited. If for any reason, enrollment is delayed due to illness, a certified letter from a physician will be required to allow the scholarship funds to be delayed for the current year of college admission.
Neither the Directors nor officers of ScholasTIC Tourette's Supporters, Inc. shall be liable for the debts or conduct of the scholarship recipients. The Directors and Officers of said scholarship program reserve the right at any time to make exceptions, interpretations, modifications and amendments to the provisions hereof as they deem appropriate.
The recipients of the 2025 scholarships will be emailed or telephoned in August 2025. Those applicants not selected will not receive any other notification.
Checks will be distributed directly to the school once it has been verified that the recipients have been accepted and registered to an accredited university, college, technical or trade school.