Adoption Application Form
Title (e.g Miss, Mrs, Mr etc)
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Phone Number
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Postal / Zip Code
Property Details:
Do you live in a house, flat or bungalow?
Is it rented or own (If rented what kind)
Garden Details:
Do you have a garden?
Yes I do
No I don’t
How tall is your fencing?
What type of fencing is it?
Household details:
How many people live in the property? Please state the number of adults and children within the household.
How old are the children in the property? Add any other relevant details you feel are appropriate!
Are there any babies expected in the future within the household?
If there are no children living at the property, do any visit if so how often and what ages are they?
Dog experience:
Have you had dogs before? If so please provide us with some background information.
Are there any current pets living in your household? (Other dogs, cats, rabbits etc)
Work schedule details:
Please provide your shift pattern, working hours and whether you work from home or in office.
How long will the dog be left at any one time? Please state the amount of hours they would be left for.
Support nearby:
Do you have any family, friends, dog walkers or neighbours who can support you and your hound if needed?
Dog preferences:
Please provide us with as much detail as possible on your preferences. Please state preference in age, size, gender and personality etc.
Have you seen any dogs on our website that you feel are appropriate for you and why?
Training preference:
Would you be comfortable taking on a dog that needs additional support or training? Which behaviours or training are you comfortable with?
Final Questions:
Why a greyhound?
Where did you hear about us?
Your permissions:
By signing this form you verify that all the above information is true and accurate. You agree to the Clark’s Farm Greyhound Rescue adoption processes and that you’re happy to have a home check
I agree
I disagree
Should be Empty: