The Fundy Powerlift and the New Brunswick Powerlifting Association are pleased to announce the Port City Showdown 3 at Fundy CrossFit, in Saint John, NB. There will be 3-Lift event for all age classes in both the equipped and unequipped categories as well as a novice category. This is a Drug Tested and Canadian Powerlifting Union sanctioned event. Registration is open from January 9th to March 2nd.
Meet Specifics:
All age groups: Youth, Sub-Junior, Junior, Open, Masters and Special Olympics
3-Lift event in both Raw and Equipped
Novice category for new lifters wanting to try powerlifting for the first time.
This meet does not require a qualifying total to enter.
This is a Drug-Tested lifting event (expect for Novice, Youth, and Special Olympics athletes)sanctioned by the Canadian Powerlifting Union .
Registration Closes at 11:59pm on March 2nd.
This event will be hosted at Fundy CrossFit on Sunday, March 23rd. There will be two opportunities to obtain rack heights, the night before the meet or the day of the meet before morning weigh-ins.
You must be present during the weigh-ins. If you are not, you will be placed at the end of the line. If you are not present once the weigh-ins reaches the end, you will not be able to lift.
During weigh-ins you must have the following items ready:
Photo ID
CPU Card (digital on phone is acceptable)
True Sport Drug-Free Certificate (digital on phone is acceptable)
Opening attempts in kg and your rack heights.
Novice lifters only need:
Photo ID
Opening attempts in kg and your rack heights.
12:00PM Event Setup (Volunteers)
4:30PM - 6:00 PM Rack Heights and Rules Meeting (Lifters & Coaches)
Sunday (Approx. times)
7:00AM Doors Open Morning Session Weigh-ins Begin
Morning Session Registration and Equipment Check
9:00AM Morning Session Lifting Starts
12:30PM Afternoon Session Weigh-in Starts
Afternoon Session Registration and Equipment Check
Awards for Morning session
2:30PM Afternoon Session Lifting Starts
Awards for Afternoon session
Actual times may vary, depending on how fast the competition is flowing. If there are any changes to these times they will be announced during the competition and if we know beforehand by email/online.
Please E-transfer the required amount to within 48 hours of submitting your registration form. Use PW: Powerlifting
This meet is sanctioned by the NBPL and the CPU under the rules of the IPF. All policies and guidelines of the governing bodies will be applied.
Good luck with prep!
Meet Director:
Drew Carleton