Acting is Believing. My first drama teacher taught me that many years ago, and it opened up my mind to a whole world of imagination. The theatre is a sacred place where people come to escape their own realities – for actors as well as the audience.
At Actually Acting we teach children to trust themselves, find their voice and tell a story. Respect is a big part of the culture – for oneself, others around you, the work itself and the space. It's a very enlightening experience and a safe space for all. Therefore, we also ask our actors to be kind, and tolerant of others' differences so that we can feel comfortable to take risks and express ourselves. Every child is welcome.
We spend approximately 1/2 of the year working on theatre skills/stagecraft, then move on to performance material for our end of year Showcase. All students will be expected to complete work in the own time – both in learning lines and researching their scripts as part of their performance preparation (dependent on age).
This is a full year course. New students may withdraw during term 1 but we require parent's permission in writing. We do not give refunds for students exiting the program, however we allow all new students to participate in a free trial class.
On Sunday 23rd of November all weekly students will perform in a Showcase. Please note this date in your diary, details will be confirmed closer to the time. This is an opportunity to perform in front of a supportive and appreciative audience and see what the students have been working on. Everyone welcome.
Class fees – $120 per term, invoiced via email.
All students will need a folder to keep scripts in and bring to every lesson.
Wednesday & Thursdays at lunchtime. This may be subject to change
NB: Please let me know if your child cannot attend any lesson for any reason.
2025 DATES
Term 1 ~ Monday 3rd February to Saturday 12th April
Term 2 ~ Monday 28th April to Saturday 28th June
Term 3 ~ Monday 21st July to Saturday 27th September
Term 4 ~ Monday 13th October to Saturday 29th November
Showcase ~ Sunday 23rd November
We send all communication via email. Please ensure you add alicia@actuallyacting.com.au to your safe senders list so my emails don't go to spam! If you have a specific query relating to your child, please contact me.
Alicia Zorkovic
0414 261 591