Application for RW Program Manager
Below you will answer a few questions and upload a copy of your resume and list 3 professional references.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Where did you learn about this opportunity?
Health Brigade website
Social Media
Current/former staff at Health Brigade
CF Engage
VAFCC website
If other, please explain
Why do you feel you are the ideal candidate for this position?
How do you feel your values align with those of Health Brigade?
Please describe your work background with supervising staff, including years of experience.
How do you deal with the stress of a busy work day? What are your self care practices?
Please upload a copy of your resume
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Please list three professional references
Reference 1: Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Reference 2: Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Reference 3: Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
By checking this box I understand the health requirements for this position. Workplace health and safety are paramount at Health Brigade. We serve many patients and clients with compromised immune systems. Our commitment to them and to each other is to ensure we take our own health seriously and never place others at risk for illnesses we may be streading with or without symptoms. Therefore, it is mandatory for working at Health Brigade that you provide verification of the following if you are offered a position as an employee:
Verification of last flu vaccine OR consent to flu vaccination each year in the fall
Verification of TB screening within the past 12 months or consent to being tested at Health Brigade
Verification of COVID Vaccine
Health Brigade is committed to diversity and hiring diverse staff. Please confirm if you belong to either of the following
Person of color
Member of the LGBTQ+ community
By checking this box I understand that I must consent to a criminal background check as part of the application process. This position will be supervising a program that releases funds to assist clients with rent, utility bills, and food. To supervise a program that distributes grant funds in this way, we must conduct a background check to ensure the candidate does not have a history of fraud or other fiscal mismanagement.
I consent
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