Failure of payment: If you fail to pay the gym more than three weeks in a row you will not be able to train, workout, or fight until you are up to date with your gym membership payment.
Fighting outside of the gym. Fighting outside the gym is prohibited. If you are caught there is a chance you could lose your membership temporarily or forever depending on the circumstances.
Student rules: If you are a student and you get suspended from school you will also be suspended from the gym until your suspension is up. If you are a student (in grade school) and are failing any curriculum classes you will temporarily be suspended from the gym until your grades are on a passing level. Students will need a written notice from teacher stating they are passing to regain membership. If you are failing and need assistance with schoolwork please let us know and we can try to help you.
Health information: It is up to the member to keep Coach Johnny Pepe up to date and fill out a new health form if any medical information changes. If we are not up to date we may not be able to help you in an emergency situation with all medical needs you may have. That is why it is important to keep us up to date, however we can not make any member give out medical information they do not want to give. With that I understand I am and will not hold The Watertown Area Boxing Club or it’s
affiliates responsible if anything happens while at the gym address listed above, at other locations sparring, and at boxing matches. I also give permission for Coach Pepe, any staff, volunteers, or members to give me emergency medical treatment listed above on health section, such as an inhaler, EpiPen, medication, etc. if necessary.
Disclaimer of Liability/General Release and Waiver:
I understand that I have been, or will be a member of The Watertown Area Boxing Club, a not for profit organization. As a member I am fully aware of the dangers of boxing and training. I understand I will be doing strenuous physical activity at the Watertown Boxing Clubs address listed above, sparring at other gyms within NYS, and at boxing matches. I understand and voluntarily assume the risk of personal injury when practicing and fighting. I also (if applicable) understand the risk my child is taking by practicing and fighting at matches under The Watertown Area Boxing Club. I hereby acknowledged and release in full and forever discharge the owner of the building/property, Michael J. Mitchell, 28251 NYS Rt 180, Watertown, NY 13601, The Watertown Area Boxing Club its Directors, Officers, Managers, Members, Employees, Volunteers, Contractors and Agents, and all other
members and guests of any and all injury, liability, damages, claims, demands, and/or causes of action, whether foreseen or unforeseen, relating to or derived from any injury to myself or my child. I will not hold Coach Johnny Pepe or the rest of the staff responsible for any injury while training and boxing under The Watertown Area Boxing Club.
*Violation of these rules may be the cause for suspension or cancellation of membership*
*By signing you are agreeing with terms listed above, if you are under the age of 18 parents need to sign under your signature*