Pre-registration $40 - Day of registration $50
American-made cars through 1975
Online registration is convenient and secure. If you cannot register and pay online call 760-249-4320 and your information will be processed for you. The deadline for car show entry is July 28 or register on event day.
Day of event participants line up on Apple at Pine at 7 a.m. Entries after 10 a.m. may not be judged.
Dash cards and t-shirt coupons will be mailed after August 6. Dash cards are required for event parking. First come, first served access to Park Dr. DO NOT park yourself on the day of the event.
T-shirts will be a $15 cost for pre-registered entrants and will be available at the Chamber Booth from 9 - 11 a.m. Day of entry t-shirts will be available after 11 a.m. but size and availability may be limited.
A Poker Walk is open to the first 52 participants from 9 - Noon. Get locations at the Chamber Booth and return cards by Noon. Winner will be announced during the Trophy presentation.
This event is hosted by the Wrightwood Chamber of Commerce
There's plenty of lodging in Wrightwood. Visit the Chamber website for links and enjoy a full weekend in town.