Contract of Conduct
*I am coming to this retreat to have a great time; I realize there are rules that I must follow.
*I will refrain from inappropriate language and/or behavior. This includes but is not limited to: foul language, possession or use of illegal drugs, tobacco, alcohol, energy drinks, treating others disrespectfully, bullying, inappropriate public displays of affection towards others, etc.
*I will dress modestly, including my bathing suit.
*I will not use a portable music or game system, or be glued to my cellphone; I will make myself available to interact with others.
*I will not, at any time, enter the sleeping quarters of the opposite sex or be alone with a member of the opposite sex. The breaking of this rule will mean that I will be sent home immediately at my or my parents' expense.
*I will not, at any time, leave the premises of Camp Nakamun without the consent of my parent(s) AND Pastor Josh.
*If I break or damage something, I am financially responsible to cover the expense.
*This retreat is a privilege, not a right, and I may be sent home if I violate any of these rules or expectations.