Terms & Conditions: I guarantee that all artwork entered in the Heart to Art Show at the Off Track Gallery is of my own artistic endeavors to the extent that it does not infringe upon any copyrights or intellectual property or invade privacy, and does not libel or slander any individual. I agree to hold harmless and indemnify SDAG/OTG if my artwork entries are in violation of copyright law. In addition, I give the SDAG/OTG permission to use images of me and/or my submitted artwork for advertising, marketing, publicity, newsletters, news releases, the SDAG/OTG website, and social media. I understand these images may be used without me being credited and without my prior approval or inspection.
I agree that I am responsible for adhering to the Policies and Procedures as set forth in the Prospectus for this event.
Further, I agree that SDAG/OTG are not responsible for damage to or theft of my art while it is in their possession. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless SDAG/OTG and its officers, employees, and agents, from and against any claim or suit for loss or damage to the works of art submitted, including loss or damage caused by any person or as a result of fire, water or other catastrophic event. I release, hold harmless and agree not to sue, and fully understand that I am waiving any claim to loss or damage to my works of art until they are removed by me, or sold at the event.