The C!rcle - Application Form
Please make sure you have joined the Discord server (and remain there until the cast is announced) for your application to be valid. Link:
Your first name or nickname
Your Discord username (please make sure you are in the Discord server)
Country/city and timezone
Please give a working email address as this helps me get in touch with returning players for future seasons, in the event they do not remain active on Discord. Your email address will NOT be shared with anyone or used for any other purpose. If, however, if you have serious privacy concerns, you can write "Prefer not to disclose". You can also provide other social media usernames (e.g. Instagram) by which you can be reached.
Your current occupation
How did you come to hear about this game and the ! Server?
Disboard listing
Ad on another ORG server
Ad on ORG Resort, ORG Mine or ORG Portal
Youtube or Spotify
Word of mouth
I am an existing ! Series alum / viewer
What are you looking for in The C!rcle, and why should you be cast? Give us your best pitch!
Will you be fully active, committed to playing and able to check in at least every 12h for game updates?
Should be Empty: