Nakama Dog Training Puppy Socials Contract
Trainer agrees to provide group puppy socials to Client and Puppy on a session-by-session basis in a safe, controlled environment at Zoomie World Dog Daycare. Trainer makes no guarantee of Puppy’s behavior both during socials and in the future.
Client understands that these socials take place in a group class setting, and that Client and Puppy will be in an environment with other people and dogs.
Client agrees to pay Trainer a fee of $30 for each one hour puppy social Client signs up for. Payment will be due in full before the scheduled puppy social occurs.
Client agrees to attend puppy socials they signed up for and understands that the attendance fee is non-refundable for no-shows.
Client shall provide notice to trainer within a minimum of 24 hours if they cannot attend the social to receive a refund of that social’s fee. Failure to do so will result in Trainer retaining the fee for that social.
Force Majeure. Notwithstanding the above, either party may choose to be excused of any further performance obligations in the event of a disastrous occurrence outside the control of either party, such as, but not limited to: A natural disaster (fires, explosions, earthquakes, hurricane, flooding, storms or infestation); or War, Invasion, Act of Foreign Enemies, Embargo, or other Hostility (whether declared or not); Any hazardous situation created outside the control of either party such as a riot, disorder, nuclear leak or explosion, or act or threat of terrorism; or severe illness or death of Dog or Client
Failure to Perform Services. In the event Trainer cannot or will not perform its obligations in any or all parts of this Agreement, Trainer (or a responsible party) will immediately give notice to Client and issue a refund or credit based unused payments; and excuse Client of any further performance and/or payment obligations in this agreement.
Client understands that their Puppy is their responsibility at all times during the social. Client understands they are also responsible for any family member or guest that attends the social with them.
Client agrees to supervise their Puppy at all time and clean up after their Puppy if needed.
Client maintains that Puppy is healthy and current on recommended vaccinations before attending the social. If Puppy is visibly ill or injured Client understands they will be dismissed from the social until they are in better health.
Client understands Trainer may ask Client and Puppy to leave at Trainer’s discretion due to any aggressive behavior by Puppy or disruptive behavior by Client.
If Dog causes property damage or injures any dog, animal or person (including but not limited to Trainer and Zoomie World employees) during the time spent on the property, then Client agrees to pay all resulting losses and damages suffered or incurred, and to defend and indemnify Trainer and Zoomie World from any resulting claims, demands, lawsuits, losses, costs or expenses.
Client agrees to release the Trainer, Zoomie World, and Zoomie World employees from any responsibility and/or liability for injuries, conditions, illness, escape or loss of life to Dog that may occur during socials.
Client grants permission to Trainer or Zoomie World to take photographs, audio recording, or videos of Client, Dog, and anyone whom Client brings to classes/lessons. This consent includes the use of such photographs, audio recording, or films without limitation as to time or frequency of use, for any or all of the following purposes: 1. Release to media including newspapers and television, 2. Educational or instructional purposes, 3. Publicity, and 4. Nakama Dog Training or Zoomie World publications, presentations, and related uses such as web content, social media and emails.
The terms and services of this agreement can change at any time under discretion of Trainer.