Dear Friends and Supporters,
St. Demetrios Ladies Philoptochos Society Chicago will host a HEART TO HEART Luncheon at DoubleTree Hotel-Monaco Ballroom, Skokie IL on Sunday, February 16, 2025. In an effort to have a successful event we are asking for assistance with the costs associated with this event. Please consider being a sponsor and we will include your name in our program book as a token of our appreciation. Net proceeds from this event will benefit St. Demetrios Philoptochos philanthropic endeavors, American Heart Association and Philoptochos California Wildfire Relief.
Without the generosity of all our supporters, our goals and ministries would not be accomplished. On behalf of the St. Demetrios Ladies Philoptochos Society, we thank you in advance for your kind consideration.
Pat Gerbanas - Event Co-Chair
Yvonne Lemperis - Event Co-Chair
Tasia Phassos - Philoptochos President