ELCIC Mission Funds Reporting Form
Eastern Synod
Submitted by:
Name of project:
Description of Project: What did you do?
Did you meet your objectives?
How did you evaluate this project?
What did you learn? What would you do differently?
Project criteria addressed: (check all that apply)
Was exploratory and experimental in nature
Sought to address a challenge you are facing in your context in relation to the Church's mission for which a way forward was not easily discernable
Sought to develop relationships with others in local communities and neighbourhoods
Encouraged participation in God's mission in local communities and neighbourhoods
Which of the categories did your project fit into?
Children/Youth Empowerment
Community Organizing
Advocacy/Policy Work
Community Engagement
Ecumenical relations
Other- Please specify below
How did you see this project demonstrating the vision of God's mission?
Project budget reporting: (What did you spend?)
Please provide us with an updated financial statement.
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** Please submit all unused funds back to the synod.**
Should be Empty: