Red Deer Rustlers are running an ID skate for the following teams to enter the Premier Hockey League for the winter 2025/2026 season.
Anticipated late March /early April
U9 Novice - 2017, 2018
U11 Atom - 2015, 2016
U13 Peewee - 2013, 2014
U15 Bantam - 2011, 2012
U18- 2008 - 2010
Please complete this form if you wish to be contacted with tryout information
There is a large movement of players in to private hockey outside of Hockey Alberta. This provides an opportunity for a differnt hockey experience wich has found to be prefereable by some hockey players. Teams get together every 3 to 4 weekends playing 4 league games. This may open up other weekends for other family activities. Teams also schedule additional exhibition games and tournaments as they wish. It may also allow players to play in a more competitive environment.
U9 plays full ice
U13 plays modified contact
U15 Play full contact
Season league games will start late September to March
Coaches will be announced as selected