This is a Single Elimanation Kickball Tournament. Hope Alive 845 and Morningside Park is not responseable in any what so ever injuries or any property Damage or stolen items. This is a Family Fun Tournament for the community. There is to be NO DRUGS, WEAPONS, AlCOHOL on property during event. There will be zero tolerance of any kind of bad sportsmanship. First warning there will be a out for the team that is currently up at bat or when they come in to kick, Second warning the player will be ejected out of the game. If a player is ejected the game will still resume even if it is only 7 players. If the team still wins the player that has been ejected will be able to play in the second game. There is a full 9 innings per game and a 10 run rule is intack at the end of the 5th inning.If a game is tied, at the end of the 9th we will continue to the 10th inning. There will be a drawing on July 15th live on our Facebook page at 8pm to see who plays first. All Donations must be submitted at the time of signing up. There will be a max of 20 teams, Once the teams is submitted, then the registery ends. You can visit our website click on donate tab or you can send a check or money order to Hope Alive 845 ,5 Prince street Monticello New York 12701. There will be two fields for this tournament. Registeration ends on July 1st 2025