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to such discharge. In addition, Attorney shall be entitled to his full contingency fee if he has fully performed his obligations under this Agreement (except for any incidental obligation he has been prevented from performing) and has obtained a recovery for Client either by way of award, verdict, judgment, settlement, or compromise (whether or not actually paid. Attorney may withdraw as Client's Attorney for good cause. Bonafide Offer of Settlement. If a bonafide offer of settlement is made, which in the opinion of Attorney should be accepted, Client will have the right to insist that the matter proceed to trial, but in the event, and only in that event, Client shall advance all court costs, including expert fees, incurred or to be incurred from and after the date Client is advised of the settlement offer and of Attorney's opinion that it should be accepted. Appellate Engagement. If an appeal is agreed upon or if the opposing party appeals, a separate written agreement, to be negotiated between Attorney and Client, shall provide for additional fees and costs. Contingent Fee Disclaimer. Attorney has advised Client that the foregoing contingent fee is a negotiated agreement and not set by law. Attorney Lien. Attorney is hereby given a lien on said claim or cause of action, on any sum recovered by way of settlement, and on any judgment that may be recovered by way of suit thereon, for the sum and share hereinabove mentioned as his fee and any costs or advances made by Attorney to or on behalf of Client; and it is further agreed that Attorney shall have all general and special liens permitted by the common law, statutory law, and the Code of Ethics. Attorney's Entitlement to Fees for Collection. It is agreed that in the event Attorney initiates legal proceedings in order to collect the Attorney's fees, costs, and advances provided for herein, Attorney shall be entitled to recover, in addition to court costs, reasonable attorney's fees therefore. Power of Attorney. Attorney is given a limited power of attorney to endorse Client's name on any draft or check for payment of settlement, judgment, or verdict presented by or on behalf of any defendant, and to deposit said funds into Attorney's Client Trust Account and thereafter disburse same in accordance with this Agreement. Change, Modification, and/or Waiver of Agreement. There can be no change, modification, or waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement unless the change is in writing and signed by both Client and Attorney. Any attempted change, modification, or waiver that is not in writing and signed by both Client and Attorney shall have no effect whatsoever.
14.Attorney-Client Dispute. Attorney and Client agree that in the event of any dispute under this agreement, they shall submit such dispute to non-binding mediation before resorting to litigation, and shall use their best efforts to resolve any such dispute through mediation. File Retention. Adamson Ahdoot LLP maintains a paperless office. All documents are scanned and shredded upon receipt. Attorney retains original documents only where required. Unless otherwise notified by client, Attorney will shred and dispose of any originals thirty (30) days after the conclusion of the matter. Attorney will retain a digital copy of your file for two (2) years after the conclusion of your matter. Client Acknowledgment. Client acknowledges that he has read and fully understands all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement before signing it, and has received a copy of this Agreement upon execution thereof. This Agreement represents the full and complete agreement between Client and Attorney, and supersedes any prior, simultaneous, or subsequent oral representation made by either party to the other. This Agreement is meant to be a totally integrated contract that can be modified only in a writing signed by both parties.