I, the undersigned, hereby grant permission to DLD For Youth and its representatives to take and use photographs and/or video recordings of me (or my child/ward) in connection with DLD For Youth Programs / Youth Academy.
1. Purpose of Use I understand that the images and recordings may be used for the following purposes:
Promotional materials, including brochures, flyers, and posters.
Social media platforms and website content.
Newsletters and press releases.
Educational and informational purposes.
Other related marketing and promotional activities.
2. Consent I grant DLD For Youth the irrevocable right to:
Use, reproduce, distribute, and publicly display the photographs/videos in any media format.
Edit or modify the images as necessary without further approval.
Use my (or my child/ward's) name in connection with the images if required.
3. Release of Rights I acknowledge that:
I will not receive any financial compensation for the use of the images/videos.
All rights, title, and interest in the images/videos will belong to DLD For Youth
I waive any rights to inspect or approve the final product.
4. Duration This consent is valid indefinitely unless I provide a written request to revoke permission.
5. Liability I release and hold harmless DLD For Youth and its representatives from any claims, demands, or liabilities related to the use of the photographs/videos.
6. Revocation I understand that I may withdraw my consent at any time by submitting a written request to 708-738-6496 but any prior usage cannot be retracted.