Sign Up for CLASS: CLASS: Learn Double Weave with Karen Hampton, February 27th - March 2nd, 2025: 11am-3pm
First Name
Last Name
Name of student attending, if different from above
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Photo Release Permission: EVFAC has my permission to use my photo and/or videos of me publicly to promote the center. This photo may be used in print, web, or social media for the center.
Class cancellation policy: All Class cancellations are charged a $15 processing fee in addition to the following policy: Class cancellations 7 days or less prior to first day of class will receive no refund. 8-13 days before beginning of class, students will receive an 80% refund. 14 days or more before beginning of class: Full refund.
I understand the class cancellation policy
Class registration is not complete until payment is received.
I understand that my spot in class is not reserved until I complete payment on the next page.
Click here to complete registration
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