Submit a Pledge
Submitter's Name
First Name
Last Name
Are you a shelter/rescue, an individual supporter, or other (non-shelter/rescue organization, animal professional or club, breeder, etc?
Name of shelter/rescue, organization, club, business, etc. Individual supporter, type individual
If shelter/rescue, organization, club, business, etc, what is your role? Individual supporter, type individual
Do you possess full authority to enter into this pledge on behalf of the above entity? Individual supporter, leave blank.
Contact Email
Shelter/Rescue Phone Number (if you are submitting a Supporter Pledge, leave blank)
Please enter a valid phone number.
Which pledge or pledges are you submitting for? select at least one
Complete the following prompts for the pledge or pledges you are taking.
Visionary Pledge: Have you reviewed all 16 criteria points in depth and pledge that the shelter/rescue you represent satisfies all 16 requirements?
Responsibility Pledge: Which 4 of the following does the Shelter/Rescue pledge for? must select at least 4, must select criteria noted as required
worry-free, guilt-free adoption returns (required)
accurate, comprehensive behavior assessments
safety oriented adoptability policies
proactive planning for foster placement
fact-based explanation of sources
Community Pledge: Which 4 of the following does the Shelter/Rescue pledge for? must select at least 4, must select criteria noted as required
no-shame intakes (required)
resources offered for owner surrender inquiries
reunification aimed stray intake policies
animals are kept up to date medically
assumes cost of medical oversights
Longevity Pledge: Which 4 of the following does the Shelter/Rescue pledge for? must select at least 4, must select criteria noted as required .
quality of life as priority (required)
funds available prior to intake decisions
elects for spay aborts
honest representation of breeders and breeder patrons
does not provide payment to breeders or puppy mills and discloses origins
If Supporter, check below to pledge.
the supporter agrees with the premise of outlined criteria for each pledge in an effort to innovate rescuing and Rebuild Rescue Together
By signing, you attest that information provided in this form is accurate and thorough.
Should be Empty: