This form is for Chief Instructors registering their team for the Team Hyung competition and form application division, as this is a dojang not an individual competition.
Important Information
- All participants/parents should review the detailed information for competition and specifically for Team Hyung Competition in the current edition of the WTSDA Official Championship Rules to help them prepare for competition. Speak with your instructor about your questions.
Competitor Eligibility
- At the time of registration, all competitors must be registered with the World Tang Soo Do Association and must be a member of a WTSDA studio.
- All ages and ranks from 10th Gup to 3rd Dan (until acceptance of Masters Clinic invitation) are eligible to compete. Your Association number can be found on your membership report or promotion certificate.
- Please select student rank at time of registration. There will be no rank adjustments.
Team Hyung Competition (Gup/Cho Dan Bo Only)
- A studio may field one team. Participants may only participate on one team.
- Each team is limited to three (3) performers.
- Division numbers will be assigned after all competitor applications have been received. Divisions may be combined or split at the discretion of the championship management.
- The team may only perform a traditional WTSDA empty hand hyung as listed in the permitted hyung section. The team is allowed to perform the highest hyung allowed for the team’s most junior member or any lower hyung.
- Team Hyung competition will not be calculated into the Championship Cups.
- Please select the studio participating on this team and enter the contact information for the Chief Instructor (s)
Team Bunhae/Form Application (Dan Only)
- A studio may field one team. Participants may only participate on one team.
- Each team is limited to three (3) performers.
- Division numbers will be assigned after all competitor applications have been received. Divisions may be combined or split at the discretion of the championship management.
- The team may only perform a traditional WTSDA empty hand hyung as listed in the permitted hyung section. The team is allowed to perform the highest hyung allowed for the team’s most junior member or any lower hyung.
- The team will perform the hyung up to the move they are demonstrating an application for, they will execute one application, then continue the form from that move. Each team must demonstrate three applications and finish the form.
- The application can contain consecutive moves from the form.
- Each team member must execute an application move.
- Team Hyung competition will not be calculated into the Championship Cups.
Participants are to wear standard white do bohk, solid or official half-color belts, and appropriate gear during all events (including opening and closing ceremonies) and are to follow the direction of event staff. Any markings or stripes that are studio specific and not recognized by WTSDA should not be worn at the championship. (See your instructor and student manual (Gup or Dan) for details)
Fee per team: $ 50
Competitor fees are non-refundable. Payment is completed at the end of the form.