2025 Grant Application Musician Don Lewis was a Pleasanton resident for over 41years and had a long career in the music industry, including inspiring thousands of accomplishments, visit donlewisleo.com and donlewismusic.com
Don Lewis also served our community as an active Rotarian for over 30 years. In his memory, the Rotary Club of Pleasanton is offering this grant in partnership with the Pleasanton Cultural Arts Council to a student who is choosing music to be a positive force in the world. pleasantonrotary.org
The Don Lewis Say “Yes” to Music! (SYTM) Grant is being awarded for the purpose of supporting the advancement of music through education, activities, projects, and music instruments or supplies. It is open to Pleasanton High School musicians of ALL music genres, including acoustic and electronic instrumentalists, vocalists, composers, and recording arts.
Students who are awarded grants will be asked to attend the YEA! Awards sponsored by
PCAC and also to attend a Rotary luncheon (TBD) to be presented with the grant.
To apply for the Don Lewis SYTM Grant, you are not required to apply for any of the YEA! Music Awards, but you are welcome to do so.
Along with a video (5 minutes or less) of your music and/or performance/exhibition of your technology or composition, please provide video introduction (5 minutes or less) that includes the following information:
1. How has music affected your life?
2. What are your music goals?
3. How will you use this grant?
4. What is the amount you are requesting for this grant? (Maximum amount is $1,000)
IMPORTANT –The three items below must be completed before you begin your
submission. Later changes or additions are not possible.
Submissions must be completed by March 7, 2025.
#1 Complete online Registration Form (click NEXT)
#2 Submit a clear video (mp4) of your performance of 5 min. or less
#3 Sheet music(pdf) of the piece being performed, if applicable.
Make sure you click the SUBMIT button at the end