Please read the waiver below before signing.
For the purposes of this and related documents concerning a sponsored educational conference in Boston taking place during the above indicated dates inclusively (defined below as the “Conference”), the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis together with its Board of Directors, officers, servants, agents, employees, representatives and funders, will hereinafter be referred to as “CAMERA,” and the documents themselves shall be known as the “Agreement.”
As a prospective participant in the CAMERA Student Leadership and Training Conference (the “Conference”), and in consideration of CAMERA’s payment of the cost of the Conference, including the cost of transportation to and from Boston from the point of departure, consideration towards the trip from your point of origin to the point of departure, and the cost of touring and educational activities and accommodations in Boston, you hereby acknowledge and agree to the following:
1. You have consulted a physician of your own choice and have been advised by said physician that you are in good health, do not suffer from any physical or mental ailment or disability which requires any medical or surgical care or treatment, or which would make your travel and/or participation in the Conference hazardous, unwise, unwarranted or a potential source of danger to you or to others who may travel with or participate in the Conference.
2. You have personal medical insurance coverage, which will be valid throughout the period covered by the Conference.
3. In case of a medical or surgical emergency, you hereby give permission to the physician selected by CAMERA to hospitalize you, and/or secure proper treatment for you, including, but not limited to, injections, anesthesia, or surgery.
4. You acknowledge that Conference activities, possibly including, but not limited to, walking, bus, car and air travel, may be subject to certain hazards; and further that you are voluntarily participating in the Conference and these activities, and understand the dangers and risks involved. You hereby agree to accept any and all risks associated with participating in the Conference.
5. In particular, and without derogating from the above, CAMERA shall not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage which you may sustain to your person or property, as a result of the services or facilities to be provided, arranged or paid for by CAMERA in connection with your participation in the Conference and/or any extension thereof. This includes, but is not limited to, loss of Boston University Dorm keys or IDs, which have replacement fees of $125 per key and $25 per ID card.
6. It is understood and agreed that CAMERA assumes no responsibility whatsoever, and shall not be held responsible, for the operation and management of any of the facilities or services, including airline flights or other transportation, which may be employed in connection with the Conference and/or any extension thereof, or for any damage or claim arising therefrom or in connection therewith. CAMERA will, however, make reasonable efforts to assure that the operation and management of any of the facilities or services, including airline flights or other transportation, will be done in a professional manner.
7. Furthermore, and without derogating from the above, you understand that should you decide for whatever reason to extend your ticket and remain in Boston after the conclusion of the Conference, the decision to do so is yours, and the said extension is in no way part of the program for which any funding or assistance was or will be provided by CAMERA.
8. You may be removed from the Conference for, among other reasons, (a) having provided incorrect or false information regarding any portion of your application or at any time during the application process; (b) failure, without prior permission from a duly authorized CAMERA representative, to participate in any portion of the Conference; (c) use or possession of illegal drugs; (d) illegal use or possession of alcohol; (e) acts of violence or vandalism; (f) failure to disclose, or disclosure of inaccurate, medical information;(g) drunk or disorderly conduct or (h) failure to comply with any rules or regulations imposed by CAMERA, including, but not limited to, all terms and conditions of this Agreement. Outside of designated conference events and meeting times, you acknowledge liability and responsibility for yourself and acknowledge that in the event of violating the above stated discretionary actions, you may be removed from the Conference and your deposit may be withheld.
9. You acknowledge that if you are removed from the Conference you will be responsible for all expenses you incur from the date of removal, including accommodations and all costs for your return to your point of origin. Furthermore, you will be responsible to reimburse CAMERA for any expenses incurred as a result of your having committed any of the acts or omissions which caused your removal from the Conference. Without derogating from the above, this will include the full costs of your participation should you have provided misleading information or withheld information regarding your eligibility or non-eligibility to participate in the Conference, as well as all direct and indirect damage thereby caused to CAMERA.
10. You hereby acknowledge that by voluntarily providing CAMERA with personal information in connection with your participation in the Conference, you consent to the distribution of such personal information to any organizations deemed reasonably necessary and appropriate by CAMERA.
11. You hereby give CAMERA and funding organizations related to the Conference permission to post, or publish, electronically or in print form, your name and quotes, articles, thank-you letters, or photographs, etc. related to your participation in the Conference, in whole or in part, without compensation. In no case shall such use include your address, and your address will not be disclosed to third parties in the course of preparing your name, quotes, articles, thank-you letters, or photographs, etc. for posting or publishing. You understand that this permission is perpetual in time and that it encompasses, without limitation, any copyright or right of publicity or privacy that you may have in your name, quotes, articles, thank-you letters, or photographs, etc.
12. You agree to purchase your transportation on your own, though approved prior to purchase by CAMERA. You acknowledge that upon completion of the conference and all required conference events, you will receive the partial or full reimbursement check for the cost of your transportation to Boston as agreed upon with CAMERA prior to purchase. In the event you do not attend the conference to the full extent, you agree to forfeit your deposit. In an emergency situation, i.e. family emergency, sickness (with doctor's note), your deposit will not be forfeited.
13. Photo/Video Release: You hereby acknowledge that CAMERA is permitted to use my image in any documents, information or materials produced by CAMERA. You agree to permit CAMERA to use photo, video footage, and quotes taken within the Conference and to be used at the discretion of CAMERA without compensation. You understand that the materials in which my name, quotes, photographs, etc. may appear will not include my address or the name of my current or past employer(s), and that this information will not be disclosed to third parties in the course of preparing the information for posting or publishing. You understand that this permission is perpetual in time and that it encompasses, without limitation, any copyright or right of publicity or privacy that I may have in my name, quotes, articles, photographs, video, etc.
14. You certify that you will be at least 18 years of age at the time that the Conference begins. You have read, understand and agree to be bound by the foregoing terms, policies and all rules and regulations of the Conference, including those which may be modified, adopted or superseded from time to time. You are aware that these rules, regulations, policies and programs may be changed at any time and will, as changed, be binding on you from that point forward. CAMERA will notify you in the event of significant modifications to these rules, regulations, policies and programs and you acknowledge that your continued participation in the application process or the Conference itself will be considered an acceptance of such modifications. This agreement is covered by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, without regard to conflict of law principles. You acknowledge that your agreement to the above is a precondition to participation in the Conference, and that failure to accept this waiver and permission agreement and to agree to its terms would result in CAMERA’s rejecting your application to participate in the Conference.