Please read all directions when ordering.
Use this form to select the quantities of each option. If personalization is an option, there will be a place to enter this information following the selection.
**You will get an invoice via email in 24-72 hours, after I determine the proper shipping box size and cost that is added to the product pricing below.**
There is also a comment section at the end if you have any comments you need to send along to us for your order. Please include them here and not a separate message.
SHIPPING will be February 8th via USPS Priority Mail.
You will receive a tracking email for your package.
Thank you for your order! We sincerely appreciate your support of our small business.
Pink Turtle Cookies is a licensed and inspected home kitchen location in Matthews, NC. All equipment is dedicated to no gluten, dairy or soy. Our home kitchen may contain these types of products, but we strive to prevent cross-contamination. Cookies are all made with almond flour.