WHEN: Saturday, May 3, 2025 from 9:00 AM - 6:00PM
Please complete all parts of this form to apply for a booth at the 2025 Hell Hole Swamp Festival.
Terms and Conditions:
• No Refunds / No Rain Date. Festival is rain or shine.
• Vendors retain all profits from their booths.
• Spaces are rented on a vendor category basis. We reserve the right to limit the number of food vendors.
• The Vendor Coordinator may choose to deny a vendor based on appropriateness of products and duplication of vendors.
• Set-up of trailers, tents or trucks may be completed on Friday, May 2, 2025. Arrivals after 5:00 pm will not be guaranteed assistance in direction to specified space.
• Participants cannot impair other booths (i.e. sign or display blockage).
• No vehicle traffic will be permitted on festival grounds after 9:00 am or before 6 pm.
• Vendors will supply all booth supplies such as tables, tents, preparation equipment and monies for change purposes.
• Vendors will not be allowed to move booth locations once a booth has been assigned – No Exceptions.
Craft vendors are allotted a 10' X 10' (100 sq ft) of space. Each additional 10' X 10' space requires an additional $25.00
• Food vendors are allotted a 20' X 20' (400 sq ft) of space. Each additional 10' X 10' space requires an additional $25.00.
No Cost Vendors - Law enforcement, "informational only" vendors and other marketing booths that do not charge a fee for their services.