As winners of the Youth Power Energy Camp Contest, eighth graders from IEC's service area historically receive an all-expenses paid trip, including transportation, to Camp Canyon in Hinton, Okla. May 27-30! 1. A student must currently be classified as an eighth grader attending a school in IEC's service area. Homeschooled eighth grade equivalents must reside in the IEC's service area. It is not necessary for the parents/guardians of the students to be members of Indian Electric Cooperative, Inc. 2. The students will be required to conduct the lightbulb experiment outlined at and submit your project as a 250-word written report detailing your project and including pictures. 3. Essays are to be typed, double-spaced, one-sided. Each page should be numbered in the top right corner. 4. Complete online entry form and upload your essay with the entry form.
5.Deadline for all essays to be received by IEC will be 4:30 p.m. on March 3, 2025.
6. The top two highest-scoring finalists will be awarded a trip to Camp Canyon 7. Decisions of the judges are final. 8. Children of IEC employees and IEC Directors are eligible to participate in the Energy Camp competition.
9. Teachers are encouraged to use the contest as a class assignment.
Coordinator: Avery Cantrell IEC Marketing and Communications Specialist 918-295-9558 P.O. Box 49, Cleveland, OK 74020