Notice of Client Rights Form
Client’s rights shall include, but are not limited to the following:
A. Each client shall retain all rights, benefits, and privileges guaranteed by law except those lost through due process of law.
B. Each client has the right to receive services suited to his or her condition in a safe, sanitary and humane treatment environment regardless of race, religion, gender, ethnicity, and age, degree of disability, handicapping condition, legal status or sexual orientation.
C. No client shall be neglected or sexually, physically, verbally, financially or otherwise abused or humiliated.
D. Each client shall be provided with prompt, competent, and appropriate treatment and an individualized treatment plan. A client shall participate in his or her treatment programs and may consent or refuse to consent to the proposed treatment. The right to consent or refuse to consent may be abridged for those clients judged incompetent by a court of competent jurisdiction and in emergency situations as defined by law. Additionally, each client shall have the right to the following:
Allow other individuals of the client’s choice to participate in the client’s treatment and with the client’s consent; To be free from unnecessary, inappropriate, or excessive treatment; To participate in client’s own treatment planning; To receive treatment for co-occurring disorders if present; To not be subject to unnecessary, inappropriate, or unsafe termination from treatment; and to not be discharged for displaying symptoms of the client’s disorder.
E. Every client’s record shall be treated in a confidential manner.
F. No client shall be required to participate in any research project or medical experiment without his or her informed consent as defined by law. Refusal to participate shall not affect the services available to the client. Should a client choose to participate in a research project, PW will adhere to research guidelines.
G. A client shall have the right to assert grievances with respect to an alleged infringement on his or her rights.
H. Each client has the right to request the opinion of an outside medical, psychiatric, or legal consultant at his or her own expense or a right to an internal consultation upon request at no expense. Direction to self- help and advocacy support services is also provided.
I. No client shall be retaliated against or subjected to any adverse change of conditions or treatment because the client asserted his or her rights.
J. A client has the right to know why services were refused. In that event, PW will provide a written explanation of the reasons why services were not provided.
K. No client shall be subject to unnecessary, inappropriate or unsafe termination from treatment.
L. Clients should expect an investigation of any infringement of rights. This process is outlined in the client Grievances policy.
M. Each client has the right to receive services in an environment which provides privacy, promotes personal dignity, gives freedom from financial or other exploitation, and provides opportunity for the client to improve their functioning.
N. Each client shall have a voice in the selection of their service provider. Client’s preferences will be taken into consideration and should it be necessary every effort will be made to find an alternate provider as determined by available resources. If resources are unavailable a referral will be made if the client so wishes.
O. Each client shall be given the rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Clients will be referenced to "Americans With Disabilities Handbook" published in the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunities Commission and the U.S. Department of Justice.