As a condition of being granted permission to enter onto the property and premises of Negaunee Rod & Gun Club, Inc., (hereinafter “NRGC”) and/or Mid U.P. Shooters, Inc., (hereinafter ”MUPS”), at any point in time, and in consideration of the benefits that may be enjoyed upon said property and premises that are located at, and proximate to, 335 North Road, Negaunee, Michigan, the undersigned hereby agrees that he/she shall, and hereby does, now and forevermore, release and discharge NRGC and/or MUPS, their officers, agents, representatives, directors, employees, contractors, sponsors, members, authorized visitors or guests, and all other persons from any and all claims, legal actions, suits, or remedies of any kind, including personal injury, death, and/or property damage which may arise out of, or in conjunction with, the use of said property or premises, or any and all activities that may occur thereupon, including, but not limited to all claims in tort, contract, warranty, and/or otherwise, and he/she covenants and agrees that he/she will not file any legal action for any such claim. This release also applies to any and all claims that might arise out of any merchandise, products, goods, or services that may be offered for sale by NRGC or MUPS.
This release and waiver shall also apply to any visitor, guest, or other persons that enter the property and premises who are not a member of the NRGC and/or MUPS, and he/she enters upon said property and premises subject to the conditions and provisions of this release. Any such person who fails to sign or refuses to sign this release and waiver of liability agreement as a condition of his/her entry shall be deemed to be a trespasser subject to any and all remedies, legal and otherwise, that may be available to NRGC and/or MUPS and their officers, agents, representatives, directors, employees, contractors, sponsors, and members.
Furthermore, this release shall be signed by the parent or legal guardian of any person under the age of eighteen (18) years or any person who is covered under a legal disability who enters onto the property and premises, and said parent/guardian shall indemnify, hold the released parties harmless, and defend them from and against any liability described herein to any such person under the age of eighteen (18) or a person who is covered under a legal disability.
Each person who enters onto the property and premises that are the subject of this release and waiver of liability agreement states and acknowledges that all outdoor recreational and shooting sports activities are potentially dangerous and present certain risks, and furthermore, the undersigned hereby agrees to voluntarily accept and assume any and all such risks of suffering personal injury, death, or property damage arising from any activity that may occur on said property or premises, without condition or limitation of any kind.
The person whose name appears below hereby acknowledges and affirms that he/she has read this release and waiver of liability agreement in its entirety, and that he/she understands it fully and freely accepts its terms as the condition and consideration for being granted the right to enter onto the property and premises described herein, and to participate in, or otherwise observe activities occurring on said property and premises.