AWANA is the acronym for “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed”, which comes from the Bible verse 2 Tim 2:15 - "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth."
It is a popular club program that disciples children and shares the Gospel with them through Biblical Truth Teaching, Scripture Memory, Games, Crafts and challenges. Here are a few of the specifics and how they are going to be implemented in OBBC’s program:
- The club will meet on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 6pm - 7:30pm. Those who can arrive at 5:30pm on the 2nd Wednesday may enjoy a light meal prior to the club and on the 4th Wednesday, there will be a snack (Chex Mix, Popcorn, etc.) available.
- The curriculum is broken down by age groups (K-2), (3-6) known as clubs. Each club has its own curriculum, theme, characters, uniforms and games. We are going to begin our program with two grade group clubs (K-2 Sparks, 3-6 Truth and Training (T&T).
- Uniforms and Curriculum are adaptable to the church’s needs and aren’t locked into a specific model. While most models are weekly, ours will be a bi-weekly model. Uniform adaptations would include vests for the Sparks and Basic T-shirts for the T&T Clubs.
- The program and curriculum are flexible but generally involve a rotation of three segments that we’ll utilize as well: Large Group-Worship, Announcements, Bible Principles, Small Group-Prayer, Discussion, Scripture Memory and Interactive Time-Games and Activities.
I hope this provides you with the information needed to make the decision to bring your child(ren) to AWANAS and/or share it with family, friends and neighbors. Direct any additional questions to