Dear Parent/Guardian:
Your child has the opportunity to participate in an educational experience and accompany his/her peers on a field trip off school property to The Mt. Baker Theatre at 12:15 PM on February 18th, 2025.
TRANSPORTATION TO AND FROM EVENT PROVIDED LNS Transportation Department is providing transportation for this event/activity. We will depart LNS at 11:15 AM and return to LNS by 2:00 PM.
As we continue to strive to make sure that all of our students are in a safe and comfortable environment, we realize this activity may involve certain risks so, we are asking you to fill in the form below and return it back to school by 2/14/2025.
I, the undersigned, am the parent/legal guardian of the student named below. I hereby give permission for my child to attend and participate in the field trip organized by Lummi Nation School. I understand that this field trip may involve activities that carry certain risks, including but not limited to physical activity, transportation, environmental conditions, and other unforeseen events.
In consideration for my child’s participation in this field trip, I hereby release, discharge, and hold harmless Lummi Nation School, its employees, volunteers, and representatives from any and all liability, claims, demands, or causes of action that may arise due to injury, loss, or damage to my child’s person or property, whether caused by negligence or otherwise, while participating in this event.
I further acknowledge that I am responsible for understanding the nature of the activities involved in this trip and for discussing any potential risks with my child. I assume all risks associated with my child’s participation and accept full responsibility for any consequences that may arise from these activities.
By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understood this waiver of liability and agree to its terms voluntarily.
For more information, please contact: Ms. Woodfork (360) 758-4420 or Mrs. Plagerman (360) 758-4421