Somatic Guidance Discovery Call
Hello there ~ I'm looking forward to connecting for our Free Discovery call. Please complete the form below. All information is stored securely and is confidential. The form takes 5 minutes to complete.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Where are you located?
How did you find me?
Social media
Google search
Exploring Intentions
If you could describe the support you’re seeking in one or two sentences, what would it be?
Which aspects of your life feel most in need of attention or transformation right now?
Alignment & Commitment
How familiar are you with practices like somatic therapy, creative expression, or conscious relating?
I'm experienced
I’m familiar but new to it
I’m completely new
How ready do you feel to explore deeper layers of yourself?
Very ready and excited
Open but a little unsure
Hesitant and need to take it slow
Are you comfortable investing time, energy, and resources into your personal growth?
Yes, I’m ready to prioritize my growth
I’m curious but unsure about what it requires
I’m hesitant and would like to learn more
Considering, we're a match for working together- What level of commitment feels right for you at this time?
Short-term commitment, such as 4-8 sessions
Longer-term journey of deep transformation
Practical Details
What is your availability for sessions? (Please include days and times that work best for you.)
How soon would you want to get started?
Right away
Within the next few weeks
I'm still exploring my options
Let's schedule our call...
Almost done!
Please make sure to click submit below:)
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