2025 SWAMC Economic Summitand Membership Meeting
Sponsorship Registration
*Required Fields
Download the Sponsorship Benefits Outline for more information.
Conference tickets are not included for the Mug Up (coffee break) Sponsorship level. If one or more representatives of your business or organization plan to attend the conference, please be sure to register each attendee.
Based on the Sponsorship level selected, conference tickets are included for one or more representatives of your organization 4 tickets at the Skipper level; 3 tickets at the First Mate level; 2 tickets at the Deck Master level; and 1 ticket at the Deck Hand level. Please provide us with the first and last name and email address for each attendee.
Payment Options
If you would like to pay by check, please make checks payable to :
Southwest Alaska Municipal Conference3300 Arctic Blvd., Suite 203 Anchorage, AK 99503
Call 1 (800) 843-1950 to make your reservation at the Hotel Captain Cook or visit: www.captaincook.com. Discount Code: SWAMC25
If you have questions or require assistance please email admin@swamc.orgor call (907) 562-7380