Phases of Competition:
Opening Number, Fun Fashion, Evening Gown
*Personal Interviews (Ages 11-14 only)
*Interview: Jr. Teen contestants (ONLY) 3-minute interview with Judges:
Interview Attire: Opening Number Outfit Opening Number
Opening Number: Each contestant will wear the T-Shirt provided by the Sponsor & must be worn with white bottoms: shorts, skirt, capris, jeans, etc. a black belt and white shoes (any style (color coming soon) Contestants will learn a very simple dance number so make sure the shoes are comfortable to walk in.
Fun Fashion: Contestants will choose an ensemble resembling runway/fashion forward from a party dress, jumpsuit, romper, cocktail, or a high low style brining out their personality.
Evening Gown: any color gown which floor length must be and appropriate for their age.
*Each Contestant will receive: A Complimentary ticket to attend the 2025 Teen & Queen Pageant, the 2025 Festival T-Shirt, social media & newspaper announcement, a tote bag, cookie provided by Love at First Bite as well as luncheon provided.
Prizes & Awards: Titleholders will reign over the 46th Annual WV Three Rivers Festival May 22-24, make several appearance throughout the state on the Festival's Float, 2025 Festival Hotel Accommodations, Official Crown & Embroidered Sash, Queen's Bouquet, Trophy, Crown Pin, $100 gift Certificate to Oliverio's Bridal & Prom Boutique, ticket to Coal Country Miniature Golf, Poky Dot gift card, Festival Keepsake gifts including the infamous Bear, Crown Keepsake Box, several Gift Certificates, State Level pageant entry to compete in West Virginia's State Pageant and much more!
Entry Fee $75. This fee must be sent in with your application to become complete.
Mail Check/ Money Orders written to WV Three Rivers Festival
Mailed to WV Three Rivers Festival 118 Emily Drive Clarksburg, WV 26301
Entry fee can be made below via Credit/Debit Card
OR- on the website under REGISTRATION PAGE
HEADSHOT (1) High resolution minimum size 5x7 head shot photo is required with this application. You must can attach to the application or
e-mail the photo to no later than February 8h.
This photo will be used for publication in the 2025 Program Book, publication in the Times West Virginian Newspaper and any other social media by WVTRF. This photo will also be used for the Miss Photogenic
*During their WV Three Rivers Festival reign, titleholders may NOT compete in any Fair or Festival pageant until after January 1st 2026. The WV Three Rivers Festival Royalty Court will represent the festival for an entire year. 2025 titleholders are required to make several appearances throughout the year including several parades on the festivals float: Buckwheat Festival, Fairmont's Veterans Day Parade and Fairmont's Christmas Parad. It will be the sole responsibility of the winner's parent(s) or guardian(s) to provide transportation to and from the designated event.
*in addition, titleholders MUST attend the Senior Queen Pageant April 12th 2pm, and attend the 2025 West Virginia Three Rivers Festival May 22-24, ride on the Queen's Royalty Float during the Festivals Grand Parade and attend various activities. Since the WV Three Rivers Festival Royalty Court will be representing the WV Three Rivers Festival, the parent(s) or guardian(s) must always insure the proper conduct of their child. Any improper conduct could result in the dismissal of the child from any or all future activities.