Kindling - Are you interested in being a Woodlot Licensee?
Woodlots BC presents Kindling, an innovative project designed to connect experienced Woodlotters with individuals interested in becoming new Woodlotters. If you’re interested in exploring woodlot management, please complete the form below to express your interest. Once submitted, we’ll begin the matchmaking process to help you connect with established Woodlotters. Thank you!
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Are you currently a Woodlot Licensee?
I was previously a Woodlot Licensee
I have never held a Woodlot License
Are you interested in a particular Woodlot?
Are you over the age of 18?
Please tell us why you would like to be a Woodlot Licensee?
What kind of Woodlot are you interested in?
A renovation project (very little cut, but lots of plantations for future opportunities)
A perfectly sustainable woodlot (its cut is stable through the rotation)
Something in between (you’ve got some skills and want to try some new treatments, but need some cut to fund the projects)
The cut isn’t a concern, but no major urban constraints
If you checked other, please explain below.
Do you have any Resource Management training?
I am a Forest Professional.
I am a Resource Management Professional.
I like aspects of nature and want to learn more about and participate in Resource Management in BC.
I work in the industry, but I am not Resource Management Professional.
Are you interested in:
Buying the woodlot
Buying into a partnership where the current licensee would mentor you
I am targeting a no cost woodlot with no cut.
Where is the desired region for your potential Woodlot?
Northern Region
Southern Region
Coastal Region
What is your philosophy on Resource Management in BC? Tell us what you would want to achieve in the first five years of acquiring a woodlot.
What would be the best way to describe your plan for a future woodlot tenure?
You would like to try different strategies on your woodlot that aren’t common. Harvesting isn’t perhaps the first priority.
You will be managing to the requirements of the day, and will focus on ensuring that you cut is harvested. This is a business, bottom line.
You strongly believe in preservation and conservation. You have no problems not harvesting through your cut control period as you have non timber objectives.
Does Woodlots BC have permission (explicit consent) to share your information with interested woodlot sellers?
Your personal information will remain confidential and will not be shared with any individuals, corporations, or public organizations without your explicit consent, except as required by law. We do not sell, disclose, or transfer your information to any third-party mailing lists.
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