About The Class
Since The Business of The Kingdom launched in 2018, we have been abundantly blessed! Besides the 11 events and 3 businesses that we have administratively supported, we have also provided administrative services for 3 itinerant music artists, 5 itinerant preachers (2 of whom are Sr Pastors). We have learned a lot of lessons, gained a lot of experience and now want to share it with you! Guess what everyone! The Business of The Kingdom is back with another Admin Academy series! If you are an itinerant preacher, singer, musician, photographer, videographer…if you are someone who gets booked to do what you do. Or if you administratively support someone who is itinerant, our On The Road series is just for you! We are excited to walk you through tools to help you on the itinerant journey!
Booking forms
Contracts and Riders
Travel and logistics sheets
And More!