Psychedelic Integration Discovery Call
Hello there ~ I'm looking forward to connecting for our Free Discovery call. Please complete the form below. All information is stored securely and is 100% confidential.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Where are you located?
How did you find me?
Social media
Google search
Integration Support Needs
What inspired you to explore psychedelic integration?
What do you feel you need most in terms of integration support? Examples: Emotional processing, spiritual insights, creating actionable steps, grounding practices, re-wiring beliefs etc.
What are your primary intentions or goals for this work?
Personal growth
Spiritual exploration
Trauma resolution
Are there specific modalities or practices you’re drawn to in integration work?Examples: mindfulness, journaling, creative expression, visualization, mind/heart mapping, hypnotherapy, etc.
Is there a specific area of your life you’re hoping to focus on or transform through this process?
Alignment & Commitment
How familiar are you with practices like somatic therapy, creative expression, meditation and hypnotherapy?
I'm experienced
I’m familiar but new to it
I’m completely new
How ready do you feel to explore deeper layers of yourself?
Very ready and excited
Open but a little unsure
Hesitant and need to take it slow
Are you comfortable investing time, energy, and resources into your personal growth and healing?
Yes, I’m ready to prioritize my growth
I’m curious but unsure about what it requires
I’m hesitant and would like to learn more
Considering, we're a match for working together- What level of commitment feels right for you at this time?
Short-term commitment, such as 3-6 sessions
Longer-term journey of deep transformation (3-6 months)
I'm really not sure what level I can commit to right now
Guided Journey Container
Are you interested in exploring a guided journey container with me as part of your healing or personal growth process in addition to integration sessions? If yes, what draws you to this kind of experience, and what are you hoping to gain from it?
If you’re considering a guided journey with me, do you have any specific questions, hopes, or concerns about the process that you’d like to share and bookmark for our session? (we can go over this on our call as well)
Let's schedule our call...
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