New Electoral Roll timetable calculator
Enter date of Annual Parochial Council Meeting:
Display notification of new Roll (Form 3)
The notice must be displayed on the principal door of each church in the parish and must remain displayed for 14 days.
Inform congregation of the preparation of the new Roll on
Complete Roll between
Display notice of APCM
The notice must be displayed on the principal door of each church in the parish and must remain displayed for 14 days.
Publish Roll (names only) by
The roll can be published in paper or electronic form. Parishes must also make a copy of the roll available for inspection on a reasonable request being made. Names may not be added to or removed from the roll for 14 days after this date except to correct an omission or other error.
Hold APCM as planned
Please enter your email address if you would like to receive a copy of the information in this form
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