Bonding with Books Family Workshop
You will receive a confirmation of your registration and a reminder will be sent a few days prior to the workshop. Please let us know if your plans change in case we have a wait list. Book bag with book and other material will be distributed to those in person and every attempt will be made to deliver to those who register for the virtual session.
OPTIONS TO PARTICIPATE 1) IN PERSON- New Salem Public Library, March 18th 9:30-11:00am 2) VIRTUAL- via Zoom on April 1st 7:00-8:30pm
Adult Name (Parent, Guardian, Grandparent, etc)
First Name
Last Name
Additional Adult Name (Parent, Guardian, Grandparent, etc) if applicable
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Town you reside
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Home Language
Let us know how you plan to attend, virtually or in-person. If in-person, please know that child care is now full and any new registrations after 5:00pm on 3/13 will have to attend without children.
OPTION 1: We plan to attend the workshop at the New Salem Library from 9:30-11 on Tuesday, March 18th.
CHILD CARE IS NOW FULL! (Please complete for all children attending/participating on March 18th in person, and in need of child care. Child care may be limited! Please skip if child care is not needed.)
OPTION 2: We plan to attend the workshop virtually via Zoom and understand the link will be sent the morning of the session on Tuesday, April 1. Session runs 7:00-8:30pm
Please let us know if you have questions or additional information you would like to share.
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