Rise Against Hunger Meal Packing Event
February 16th, 2025
Hampton Presbyterian Church
We often hear about the challenges of food insecurity locally and globally. While there is much we can do locally, addressing the broader global challenge is very difficult. With that in mind, the Next Generation Ministry Team is partnering with Rise Against Hunger to host a meal-packing event for middle and high school youth (and their leaders) on Sunday, February 16th, from 2 to 4 p.m. at Hampton Presbyterian Church.
The cost to host the event is $4000, which the Ministry Team is committed to covering so that every group is able to participate, regardless of financial capacity. However, the Ministry Team is asking churches and individuals who can contribute to help underwrite the cost of the event.
Registration Information for Group Leaders:
- Group leaders are asked to register their groups using this link. You’ll be asked to provide your contact information and an approximate number of attendees. This number is for planning purposes only, and there is no penalty for being under or over on your initial guestimate—we just need to know what groups plan to attend.
- You’ll also be asked to provide a projected donation from your group. Like your group size, this is just for planning purposes, and you are not bound to contribute that amount.
- Registrations are due by Monday February 10th but the sooner we know you’re planning on attending, the better!