All applicants MUST include copies of these REQUIRED documents to be considered for program services.
- Proof of number of individuals in the household -number of dependents claimed by using most recent federal income tax return and one of the following: photo ID, birth certificate on which the applicant's name is listed, school records which provide the applicant's name and address, court-ordered letter of guardianship, divorce decree, letter of adoption, or social security card.
- Proof of income: Please provide a statement for all earned income including social security, disability, or other benefits; one month of payment stubs from employers; government declaration letter; court-ordered payment letter; bank statements showing monthly deposits; or any paper that documents income. For your privacy, please block out any social security numbers.
- Proof of current homeowner's insurance - showing homeowner's name, address, and dates of coverage.
Please mail ALL documents to ensure prompt consideration to:
Rebuilding Together Bismarck/Mandan
P.O. Box 874
Mandan, ND 58554
*The final decisions on all home repair requests are based on Rebuilding Together Bismarck/Mandan's resources and will be made at the discretion of the organization. Please allow 4-6 months for processing and final decisions from the deadline date of September 30. Once eligibility is determined, the homeowner will be contacted directly by Rebuilding Together Bismarck/Mandan to schedule a follow-up appointment to preview the site and determine further consideration of repairs. At that time, the homeowner will receive additional information regarding the program services and schedules. Please contact us with additional questions at 701-221-3232.