$42 Monthly Membership Fee – Access to a Whole Fleet of Aircraft
Why is this important?
- Exclusivity to acess our fleet
Imagine you are a fequent renter and planning to take someone on a ride, go to a business meeting, or fly to stay instrument current. You look on the schedule and see someone that you've never seen on the schedule before has your favorite airplane reserved for the whole weekend. We haven't heard from this person either in years but they had just as much access to the aircraft as you, a frequent flyer. P&N's membership model adresses that. It a hybraid between an exclusive flying club and a professionally managed operations wtih being subject to financial risk like accessments and liabilities of a club.
Your Renter Enrollement Includes:
- Full Access to Instructors, and Facilities Full Time Dedicated FAA Certified Flight Instructors at 2 Locations for Checkouts, Flight Reviews, IPC, or Training for New Ratings on your schedule
Online Reservations Recurring Reservations or Individual Times That Work for Your Schedule
- Access to Aircraft Rental Comfortable and Safe Aircraft Inspected Every 100 Hours of Flight by FAA Certified Mechanics
- Elevated Flying Experience Noise Canceling Headets, Electronic Aircraft Checklists, and iPad's Equipped with Foreflight Dispatched with Each Aircraft
- Cost Efficiency: The more frequently you fly, the lower your cost per reservation becomes. Joining keep hourly rates as low as possible
- After hours access to aircraft
- Self Check Out and In of The Aircraft on the FlightSchedule Pro App