OAAS Convention Volunteer Sign-Up
The OAAS is always looking for some volunteers to give a few hours while at the Convention. Approximately 2 weeks before the Convention, you will be notified with a volunteer schedule.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number (will not be shared)
Please enter a valid phone number.
Name of Agricultural Society/Company
Please select when/where you are interest and available to volunteer.
Registration Desk (click all that apply) ~ Greet the convention delegates, distribute name badges, answer questions and support with any inquiries.
Thursday morning
Thursday afternoon
Thursday evening
Friday morning
Friday afternoon
Friday evening
Saturday morning
Auction Room (click all that apply) ~ Receive donations, monitor crowd within the room throughout the weekend & provide support at Live Auction.
Thursday afternoon
Friday morning
Friday afternoon
Saturday morning
Saturday afternoon
Saturday evening
Competition Room (click all that apply) ~ Provide support for receiving entries, setting up display areas after judging, supervise the rooms and assist with entry pickup.
Thursday afternoon
Thursday evening
Friday morning
Friday afternoon
Saturday morning
Saturday afternoon
Speaker & Seminars (click all that apply) ~ Supporting the speaker/presenter in the room. Introduce and thank the speaker/presenter.
Thursday morning
Thursday afternoon
Friday morning
Friday afternoon
Saturday morning
Family Entertainment Showcase ~ Welcome delegates attending the Family Entertainment Showcase.
Friday morning
Welcoming Crew (outgoing, with convention experience) ~ In the hotel lobby, answer guests questions.
Thursday afternoon
Have you attended the OAAS Convention before?
Additional comments
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