Included with this form is your Final Biography Form, which is to be completed by you with this in mind - a copy of this form will be given to each judge for his or her use during the pageant. In other words, this is the first impression the judges will have of you. It is the form they will use during all phases of competition, including the personal interview. You MUST confine all of your answers to the space allotted. No additional sheets will be passed on to the judges. We want the judges to have an “outline” of your life, accomplishments, dreams, and thoughts. If you are completing this form online or on your computer, the size of the font will adjust to the amount of information that you enter into each field. In other words, the more data you enter the smaller the font will become, so keep your answers brief yet concise. Do not hit “Enter” to start another line, the form will make any adjustments necessary.
Once you complete the form, print it, read over it, make any changes and print your final version. Once you close this form, all your information may be gone!
Completed, signed forms can be emailed to