Member / Participant Terms and Conditions
SPINAL LIFE AUSTRALIA LTD. ABN 39 293 063 049 also known as Sporting Wheelies, (the Association).
By clicking the submit button, I, the Member / Participant listed below:
1. Note that Sporting Wheelies is committed to providing an environment that promotes positive behaviour and values, one that is free from all forms of harassment, discrimination and abuse, and one that is safe for children. I agree to support this endeavour and to conduct myself in an appropriate manner at all times.
2. Agree that I am bound by and will comply with the rules, policies, procedures and Codes of Conduct of Sporting Wheelies and Sporting Wheelies Services as provided to me and/or published on the Sporting Wheelies website from time to time.
3. Agree to present the Sporting Wheelies in a positive manner in the community.
4. Agree to abide by all lawful directions of Sporting Wheelies staff and designated volunteers.
5. Acknowledge that failure to comply with such rules, policies, procedures and Codes of Conduct may result in my being suspended or banned from future participation in Sporting Wheelies services.
6. Understand that participating Sporting Wheelies Services, particularly physical activity can carry some risk, and there is the chance of physical injury.
7. I accept all risks arising from and associated with Sporting Wheelies Services and participate entirely at my own risk and with full appreciation of the nature and extent of risks involved.
8. Confirm that I am physically fit and able to participate in Sporting Wheelies Services and understand that I will be required to complete a medical assessment or obtain a medical clearance in order to participate, if deemed necessary by the Sporting Wheelies staff.
9. I understand that using the facilities provided by the Sporting Wheelies is at my own risk, and acknowledge that this use may involve risk of injury, whether caused by myself or another party. By accepting this Agreement I agree that Sporting Wheelies will not be liable for any loss, injury, damage or theft of property, belonging to or brought onto Sporting Wheelies premises by myself, or for any death, personal injury or illness on Sporting Wheelies premises, or from using our facilities or equipment. I understand that this release does not apply if death or injury results from gross negligence on Sporting Wheelies part.
10. Understand that a reference to Sporting Wheelies Services is a reference to any event, competition, service, program or activity, including sport, recreation, gym, rehabilitation and fitness, operated and/or offered by Sporting Wheelies.
Privacy - Collection Notice
1. Sporting Wheelies is collecting your Personal Information to facilitate membership and / or services requested by you and /or to keep you informed about Sporting Wheelies Services. We may contact you in the future for the promotion of services, products, education, research, fundraising, activities and events.
2. Communications from us may include mail, email, social media, SMS or telephone contact and may also include messages on behalf of sponsors and other third parties. Your Personal Information will not be provided to third parties without your consent unless we are required by law to do so. By providing your information to us you agree that you have provided your indefinite consent to this contact. You may withdraw consent at any time though in doing so we may not be able to provide you with services requested.
3. Further information about your privacy is available from Sporting Wheelies on request.
Media & Photography consent
I give consent to the publication and/or use of my name, image, voice, statements or otherwise, via any medium before, during or after participation in Sporting Wheelies Services, whether for advertising, promotion or otherwise, without payment or compensation.
I give consent to be photographed or filmed and for these images and / or audio to be used in various mediums to promote Sporting Wheelies.
If you wish not to be photographed or filmed please fill out our Athlete Photography Opt-Out Form here -