Community Led Driver's License Hubs for Opportunity Youth
This bill would fund a competitive RFP for a community ed, an intermediary, counties to apply to be the hub for their community. Four pilot sites—urban, suburban, rural and Tribal communities. The org functioning as the "intermediary" would need buy in from community based organizations so they can also send referrals. The priority population would be Opportunity Youth under the age of 25 (Youth experiencing homelessness–McKinney Vento, Coordinated Entry, meeting Homeless Youth Act definitions; Young Parents on MFIP; Former Fosters; Young people in the justice system; young people out of school and out of work aligned to a workforce program). The goal would be up to 200 young people a year in process or earning their driver's education each year..The overall ask would be 3.85 million, with sites getting up to 900K to run a two year program (with 3 months on either side for ramp up and ramp down.)
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If you are joining as a community member, what is your address of where you vote? (This helps us to understand your legislative district and connect with you as appropriate to particular elected leaders.)
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What level of support can you or your organization offer?
Lead Coalition Member: Attend update meetings, connect with your legislator, talk strategy for hearings. Your org or name would appear on all one pagers.
Key Coalition Member: Attend update meetings, connect with your legislator. Your org or name would appear on all one pagers.
Endorsing Member: Your logo will appear on the one pager.
If you would like a different lead on the project to represent the organization than those who signed off, please share that info here..
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