event. If the renter uses the facility, or leaves items/equipment, without consulting with PAL of DE, before or after the time reserved for the event, additional charges will be assessed. Cleaning of the PAL of DE facility (inside and outside) after the schedule event is required by the renting party. Failure to do SO will result in the activation of the security deposit. PAL of DE requires a certificate of liability form for all rentals. Proof of liability forms can be obtained from the renter's insurance company. This is required for all events. NO TAPE IS TO BE USED ON THE GYM FLOOR, WALLS, OR DOORS unless authorized by PAL staff. Failure to do SO will result in the activation of the security deposit.
The PAL office and conference room at the Hockessin PAL CAN NOT be rented and is for PAL
Staff only. PAL office supplies, copier, fax machine, etc. can not be used by the renter. Any office supplies required for the event are the renter's responsibility. Some events held at either PAL facility require police officer supervision. Events with 50+ people will require police presence from New Castle County Police Department. If police are in fact needed for your event, please ask for additional paperwork to see the requirements. The NCCPD document is to be filled out and turned in with this contract.
In consideration of the grant of permission to the organization or individual named about by the Police Athletic League of Delaware, Inc., for use of a Police Athletic League of Delaware's facility, the undersigned being duly authorized officer or representative hereby agrees for and on behalf of themselves and their organization and for and on behalf of the individual members thereof do release the said Police Athletic League of Delaware and their Director, Officers, agents, employees, volunteers and representatives of and from any and all claims for liability including claims for personal injuries, death and property damage which may arise from or during the use of said facility, and do further agree to defend, indemnify and save harmless the employees, volunteers and representatives from any and all such claims including the cost of defense of any claim, including attorney fees. I/We the undersigned have read and understand this release agreement and agree to comply with the rules and regulations applying to the use of the Police Athletic League of Delaware's facility.