Welcome! Help us find you the perfect Dood
We look forward to raising your new best friend
First Name
Last Name
Emergency contact or spouse email
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Social media ID's? (FB-IG)
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Do you own or rent your home?
If you rent, what are the restrictions regarding the type, number, and size of pets? If there is a weight restriction, what is it?
Do you have a yard? Is it fenced?
Names and ages of humans that live in the home
Any special health considerations? Allergies? Asthma? Autism? Movement challenges?
Is anyone in the family afraid of dogs? If yes, can you explain?
Is everyone in agreement about adding a dog to your home?
Who will be the primary caretaker?
Have you owned a dog before?
If yes, what breeds, and where are they now?
Do you have pets other than dogs? What are they?
Check all that apply to your employment
Please Select
work in office full time
work from home full time
Travel for work
Puppy Preference
Our litters are updated on our website. We list our current and planned litters, as well as photos of our past litters for reference. Make sure you visit our website to research our planned pairings.
What are you looking for?
Companion/Service Dog
Guardian/Host Home for a Lucky Country Breeding Dog
Breeding Dog for your breeding program
Size Preference- The Breed standard with regard to size for the ALD is- Miniature Size: Between 14-16” in height at wither. Medium Size: Between 17-20” in height at wither. Standard Size: Between 21-24” in height at wither. We specialize in standard sized ALD's, Occasionally, we will have medium ALD's. We do not breed miniature dogs. The smallest dog we will ever have available will be a medium size.
35-50 pounds/ 18-20 inches tall
50-65 pounds/20-23 inches tall
65+ pounds 24+ inches tall
ALD colors and patterns vary widely. While we can predict the colors that a pairing may produce, we can't guarantee coloring. Due to genetic factors that we do not have testing for, adult colors may be different from juvenile coloring. We do our best to predict adult coloring, but we can't guarantee. Please check any that you prefer.
Red- black nose
Caramel-brown nose
Is there a specific litter you are interested in?
Puppy Care Commitment
Important Considerations for a new pup. We want to make sure you are prepared!
Your puppy will come to you with beginning crate and potty training. Do you agree to continue this training? Do you plan to crate train?
Puppies can't be in crates for extended periods of time. Are you prepared to give frequent breaks during the day and evening during training? Do you have someone that can check on your pup in your absence?
Where will your pup be kept during the day? Indoors, Outdoors, crate, daycare, etc.
Where will your pup sleep?
Young puppies, just like children, require supervision, Are you aware of the time and energy required to take care of a young pup? Are you willing to take responsibility for training and care?
Labradoodles have coats that are low shedding and allergy friendly. However, they require regular grooming and brushing to keep their coats free of painful matting and good condition. Are you aware of the grooming requirements? Are you planning on getting your dog professionally groomed, or are you an at home groomer?
Describe your perfect puppy. Include size, color, temperament, what you want the puppy to like- a lap dog, walks, running, water sports, the sky is the limit! All will help us.
Are you committed to feeding a high quality food rather than a grocery store food? What type of diet are you planning to feed?
Please list your veterinarians name and clinic information
Is there anything that you would like to tell us that will assist us in finding the perfect puppy for you and your family? Is there anything else that you would like for us to be aware of?
Aknowledgement and Agreements
I understand that should I become unable or unwilling to care for my Lucky Country Labradoodle, that I will first turn to Lucky Country to assist in re-homing? II understand that this is a requirement for obtaining a pup from Lucky Country. I understand that under no circumstances will I release a pup from Lucky Country to a rescue or a shelter.
How did you learn about Lucky Country Labradoodles?
Are you on any other Australian Labradoodles reservation lists? Do you have a deposit reservation with them?
Our dogs are sold on a strict spay and neuter agreement. We use Spay Secure as our contract administrator. You will be asked to sign their contract, in addition to ours. Do you agree that you are purchasing a pet that will not be used for breeding? A contract summary will be available for review prior to application approval.
Yes, I agree
I have questions
No, I do not agree
I understand that it is up to Mother Nature to decide what is produced with regard to gender and color of each litter. Puppies are selected in order of deposit, after review of each pups temperament assessment and veterinarian exam. You may defer for a later litter if you are not satisfied with the available pups when your turn to select has come.
Yes, I agree
I have questions
No, I do not agree
I acknowledge that the person completing this application is at least 18 years of age, and that the information given is accurate and that no disease or medical condition prevents participation in our selection and placement process.
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