KCAT TV15 is located at Los Gatos High School – across from the swimming pool on Chicago Ave.
Once a camp is filled your name is automatically put on a waiting list.
Parents of enrolled participants may request a transfer to another camp week if space is available. If a transfer request is made 1-5 days prior to the Monday start date of another week, there will be a $20 transfer fee per participant if space is available for the week requested.
- A $50 non-refundable cancellation fee will apply per participant per camp for cancellations after registering camper(s).
- Cancellation requests made by parents or guardians 8-15 days prior to the participants' Monday start date of camp will receive a 50% refund minus a $50 non-refundable cancellation fee per participant per camp.
- Cancellation requests made by parents or guardians within 0-7 days before the participants' Monday start date of camp will not receive a refund. Parents or Guardians may request a transfer to another week if space is available. A $20 transfer fee per participant will apply.
- KCAT TV15 reserves the right to cancel a camp; a full refund will be issued.
- Once a child has started their registered camp week, there will be no refunds or pro-rating for dropping out, missed or sick days.
The undersigned, in consideration of participation in the programs operated by KCAT TV15, agrees to indemnify and hold KCAT TV15, its Board of Directors, contractors, employees and volunteers harmless and release KCAT TV15, its Board of Directors, contractors, employees and volunteers from any and all liability for any injury which may be suffered by the named individual(s) registered in any program operated by KCAT TV15, arising out of, or in any way connected with participation in such program. I have read the above application and agreement, and fully understand that I assume all risks for any injuries received. Model Release: I release the videographer, photographer and KCAT TV15 from liability for any violation of any personal or proprietary right I have in connection with any reproduction of or use of video or photographs in which I appear. I consent to the reproduction or use of videos and photographs, without my name (except listed in show/movie credits), taken of me while participating in KCAT TV15 programs. KCAT TV15 and its videographer and photographer will only take photographs and videos in a public setting in which there is a reasonable expectation of privacy. This Waiver of Claims/Assumption of Risk/Consent applies to future participation in all programs of KCAT TV15 by all signatories and minors on whose behalf it has been signed. I have fully read this Agreement and fully understand its content. Furthermore, the significance of this release of liability and assumption of risk agreement has been EXPLAINED TO THE MINOR. I certify that I have custody or am the legal guardian of said minor and that I and/or my minor child are physically able to participate in recreation activities. In the event I or said minor requires medical treatment while under the supervision of staff and/or agents, I authorize said staff to provide and/or authorize medical treatment. I expect staff to contact me immediately in the event emergency medical treatment is required for said minor, but this contact is not necessary to administer emergency aid. I will pay for all medical treatment which I or said minor may require. I hereby grant permission to include pictures and/or video of me and/or said minor, while participating in KCAT TV15 program, for the TV channel, print materials, social media platforms, website, and YouTube.KCAT TV15 and its videographer and photographer will only take photographs and videos in a public setting in which there is a reasonable expectation of privacy. I understand I will not receive any compensation for use of such pictures or video. This Waiver of Claims/Assumption of Risk/Consent applies to future participation in all programs of KCAT TV15 by all signatories and minors on whose behalf it has been signed.