Enjoy lower rates as a member. Apply for or renew your 2025 membership here:
Members: Renew Membership
Non-Members: Apply for Membership
Parent/Guardian Information
Child #1 Health History - CONFIDENTIAL
Medications Enter allergies Describe reaction Foods Enter allergies Describe reaction Insect Stings Enter allergies Describe reaction Environment (hay fever, pollen, etc) Enter allergies Describe reaction Dietary modifications or restrictions Enter here
** If the camper will be self-administering medication while at camp, a copy of the doctor's prescription or order MUST be kept at camp in your child's file. Please enter info below:
Medication enter here Dose enter here How often enter here
Please list all medications that the camper is currently taking at home. Camp Zena staff will not administer or store any medications at the camp. Please contact the Camp Director or staff form more information.
Medication enter here Dose enter here How Often enter here
A complete immunization series record is required for camp attendance. Camp Zena's policy is that campers need to be FULLY vaccinated in order to attend camp. Please upload a copy of the camper's immunization record from their medical provider. Please make sure the record clearly shows all dates and vaccines. If vaccinated for COVID-19, please include that as well.
Type of topical item enter here Prescription # enter here Start Date Date End Date Date Days of the week to be taken enter here
Camp Zena Photo Release Policy
I permit Camp Zena to take photos, videos and sound clips of my camper and my camper's projects at camp and to use them at its discretion.
Confirmation Acknowledging and signing below attests that you agree to our Photo Release Policy, and that this form is filled out as factually as possible.
All prices include applicable sales tax. To minimize transaction costs, we prefer payments by check or Zelle, but you can also pay via credit card, PayPal, or Venmo at checkout.
Camp Add-Ons
Separate registration—details coming soon. Email Bill Santella: swimlessons@zenarec.com
Discounts Information
If a week is sold out, please email camp@zenarec.com to be added to our waitlist.
Refund Policy
If you cancel registration for any camp week(s) by April 30, 2025, a 90% refund will be returned to you (deposits are non-refundable.) If canceled between May 1st and May 31st, 2025 a 50% refund will be returned to you. If canceled June 1st or later, 2025, there will be no refund.
Choose from one of the PayPal options to make your payment.