Scholarships: HB Studio makes limited scholarship funds available for students of demonstrated talent and commitment who lack the means to study. Scholarships are awarded based on need, a statement of goals and intent, and instructors’ recommendations. Applications for Studio class scholarships are accepted prior to each Term with deadlines and applications.
Work-Study: Students at HB Studio are eligible for a Work-Study position if they have studied for one full term or are invited to audition. HB offers two kinds of Work-Study Opportunities: Key Students and Studio Assistants. In exchange for their time helping at the Studio, Key Students and Studio Assistants earn the opportunity to add a free course to their schedule for one term. Priority is given to students who plan to enroll in a second (paid) course during that term.
Note: All students selected for work-study must fulfill their hours at the end of the term. Failing to do so will result in ineligibility for future financial aid.