SSGT Course Evaluation Form
Course Information
Lead Course Instructor's Name (Who taught your course?)
The Name of Your Agency (Include city and state.)
Course Location (city & state)
Course Description (Vanguard 1; Vanguard 2; OnGuard; COR-Tactics; Edged Weapon; Equalizer; Handgun; Patrol Rifle; Precision Rifle and etc.)
Starting date of the course you are evaluating was?
Course you attended was Instructor Level or Student Level? (pick below)
Please Select
Instructor Level
Student Level
What course(s) did you attend?
Please Select
Vanguard Level One
Vanguard Level Two
Vanguard Level One & Two
Equalizer Women's Self-defense
40-hour Handgun Instructor
40-hour Patrol Rifle Instructor
40-hour Precision Rifle
40-hour Precision Rifle RUCS Course
40-hour Precision Rifle Instructor
40-hour Shoothouse Instructor Course
Tactical Team Operations Course
24-hour VISE Course
24-hour Undercover/Lone Operator Course
16-hour Off-duty Officer Survival Course
How did you find out about this program?
Please Select website
Other LE website
X (Twitter)
Word of mouth
LE Conference
Write a brief statement about the course.
You work in what field?:
State Law Enforcement
County Law Enforcement
City Law Enforcement
State Corrections
County Corrections
City Corrections
Probation & Parole
Military Police
Federal Law Enforcement
Corporate Security
Number of years you've worked in criminal justice:
1-5 years
6-10 years
11-20 years
21+ years
Course and Instructor Evaluation
Please evaluate honestly
Very Good
Very Poor
The course as a whole was:
The course content was:
The instructor's contribution to the course was:
The instructor's effectiveness in teaching the subject matter was:
Course Organization was:
Clarity of instructor's voice was:
Explanations by instructor were:
Instructor's use of examples and illustrations was:
Quality of questions or problems raised by the instructor was:
Student's confidence in instructor's knowledge was:
Instructor's enthusiasm was:
Encouragement given to students was:
Answers to student questions were:
Use of class time was:
Instructor's interest in student's progress was:
Amount you learned was:
Relavence of course content was:
Written exam(s) was:
Your opinion of the quality and thoroughness of the manual(s) for this course was:
Should be Empty: